Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Top 2 Holiday Survival Recommendations

Hey Team

I know we all want to avoid the 5,7,10 lb weight gain that statistically happens during the holiday season.

Even better, my goal this year is to lose 5,7,10 lbs during the season and be on the positive end of the statistic.

How do we stay focused and on track?

As a general principal, we need to burn more calories than we consume. Its easy to consume 2000+, even 3000+ calories at a single meal, never mind the entire day.

My top 2 tips to focus on to stay on track:

#1 - Portion control – basically keep your meal to one plate. Even at a buffet or full spread party, you can enjoy, savor and indulge without overeating.

Keep serving sizes to about the palm of your hand (no fingers, and not piled high).

Think of your plate as divided into quarters – 1 quarter protein, 1 quarter starchy carbs, 2 quarters bright colored veggies (this doesn’t include sweet potatoes with butter and marshmallows). I’m also in favor of a bit more than 1 quarter protein if you desire.

#2 – Stay consistent with your exercise – Schedule your workouts like you would an appointment and be sure to keep it.

I recommend early in the day if possible. Most of us get increasingly busy in the afternoon and it’s easy to blow off your workout.

You can train with us, workout in your living room, the gym, our band program ( or one of my quick workouts from the website. Just get in a workout.

Get an accountability buddy to help. Train with a friend who is counting on you to be there. I train with a friend and if our schedules don’t match, we are required to text “done” when we finish. We treat this as a competition for more fun and inspiration.

Check out my website for group training times and locations- we will hold you accountable and burn massive calories this season.

Email me back with your top recommendations for staying fit during the holidays.

Dedicated to your health and wellness
Coach Greg

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Why the dreaded Turkey Nap?

It’s the season to talk about the much publicized turkey nap - caused by the evil Tryptophan!

Most interesting to me is that during the other 11 months of the year you don’t hear anyone talk about needing a nap after eating a turkey sandwich…..hmmmm wonder why?


A small bit of science- tryptophan is an amino acid that can have effects on relaxation. Tryptophan helps the body produce the b- vitamin niacin, which then helps the body produce serotonin, a chemical that acts as a calming agent in the brain and plays a key role in sleep. – ok enough science.

FYI - Other foods that are considered sources of tryptophan are dairy products, beef, poultry, barley, brown rice, fish, soybeans, and peanuts. - Do you need a nap after reasonable consumption of these?


Here are 5 reasons you may feel sleepy after a big holiday meal;

Carbohydrate overload – A heavy carbohydrate meal will increase insulin levels, which lowers amino acid levels in blood, creating an increase in the relative level of tryptophan in the blood. Serotonin may then produce a sleepy feeling. This can happen at any meal. How do you feel after a big Italian meal with pasta?

Fatty food – A meal rich in fats slows down the digestive system and requires lots of energy to digest. Blood flow is redirected to your stomach rather than the rest of your body, leaving you with less energy overall. A contributor to naps and fatness.

Alcohol - Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. A drink or two can be processed by your body typically without any ill effects. However start getting to the “few” and “many” drinks as part of the holiday celebration will add to the nap-factor. (Too many can add to the lampshade on your head factor)

Overeating -Your body requires a great deal of energy to digest a large meal (particularly high fat and high carbohydrates). When your stomach is full, blood is directed away from other organ systems, including your nervous system. And of course you know by now…you will feel the need to snoooooze.

R&R - Often the most relaxing part of the festivities is likely to be the meal. No matter what you may have been doing throughout the day, Thanksgiving dinner provides an opportunity to sit back and relax – followed by a big meal, some football,…. guess what? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

A couple of quick tips to keep your energy levels up:

1) Snack on the fruits and vegetables (minimal dip) to keep calorie count down.

2) Eat a balanced turkey dinner - balance turkey or protein, a good helping of veggies and smaller servings of potatoes, breads etc.

3) Reasonable serving sizes - Eat one plate of food and be finished. Try everything but keep the servings sizes of heavy carb and fat foods small. Taste, enjoy, savor, and move on.

4) Beverages – be aware of high calorie celebratory drinks – especially alcohol. Have a couple for the entire day.

5) Exercise – get a workout in before your festivities to increase your metabolism and burn calories – a great healthy start.


Most of all enjoy your time with friends and family. We all have so much to be thankful for – stop and take a minute with your family to be thankful.

I am thankful for all of you!

Happy Thanksgiving.

Coach Greg

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I want to lose weight before I start exercising.

Do you know this person?

Are you this person?

This was an excuse I got when I invited someone to train with me.

Let’s get this issue straight!

Unless there is a medical need (consult your physician) to wait to change your diet and lose weight first…

Then Exercise is critical to your weight loss, overall health, and fitness.

I could write many pages with subtopics on this subject, but today I will keep it short and basic.

First - Your body is a machine, let’s compare it to a car.
The car’s engine burns fuel. Your body burns calories.

Quality muscle is likened to the engine and is your main energy burner.

If you want to burn more calories your engine needs to be high quality, efficient, and tuned up regularly.

Now let’s compare engines.

Is your engine a 74 Pinto, or a highly tuned Ferrari?

(It’s a drastic comparison but it makes the point. Likely, you are in between.)

If you put the same amount of fuel into a 74 pinto as you do a Ferrari, which engine is going to burn the most fuel?

Of course the Ferrari.

Quick summary, the more quality muscle you have in your body (bigger engine), the more calories you will burn at rest and in motion.

How do I become more like the Ferrari to burn calories?
- Add resistance training at least three days a week. This is weights, resistance bands, boot camp, personal training, gym workouts.

- Add a couple days of cardio work. This is brisk walk, run, bike, and jump rope. Anything that gets your heart rate up.

Second – Calorie intake
If you are watching your calorie intake (keeping it low) and the quality of food you are eating, that’s great. This is also critical to weight/fat loss, fitness and overall health.

Being aware of your calorie consumption is a must - As I always say “you can out eat the best training program”.

However, if you continuously decrease your calorie intake to keep up with your weight/fat loss, you will reach a point where you can no longer decrease to sustain your energy levels and lifestyle.

This will cause a plateau in your weight loss. And likely casue you to lose quality muscle, not fat.

Side note: If possible, measure your body composition (fat% and lean mass %) before you start “dieting” to ensure you are losing fat, not muscle.

Many dieters and weight loss seekers unfortunately lose lean mass with their fat due to lack of exercise.

Summary: You must consume less calories than you burn. Exercise is a key along with quality food/calorie intake to ensure quality muscle is maintain or increased.

This will help ensure you are losing the unwanted fat and you will look and feel your fittest when you hit your goal.

Bottom line – Don’t wait to exercise. Start today. It takes both good meal planning and exercise to create the healthiest “you” possible.

Please call or email me with any questions on how to start an exercise program and or a sample meal program to help achieve your goals.

Dedicated to your health and wellness
Coach Greg

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

There Might Be Something VERY Wrong With Your Salmon

Salmon is supposed to be "good for you", right?

It's one of those foods you look at and say, "I'm going to eat healthy, I think I'll have the salmon."

You've heard they're a great source of protein and essential fatty acids.

That's true.

But trust me, what you're about to read is very disturbing.


Before you know it you might be eating a genetically modified fish that's, well, kinda like salmon, I guess.

I know I won't be eating it, that's for sure!

Check out this article to discover the latest bad news about our food supply:

And by the way, if you want an ultra-potent and pure source of essential fatty acids, well, my partners over at Prograde have their awesome EFA Icon on sale this week.

That and a couple other products, too.

Check out the savings at:

Yours in health,
Coach Greg

PS - Next week Prograde is releasing their Brand New Chocolate flavor and Orange flavor Prograde Proteins! Stay tuned for details.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Indoor Workout and Hydration

Hey team

Whew its already getting HOT!

Be sure to drink water throughout the day. Dont wait until this afternoon when you get thirsty to start.

Remember, soda, beer, and general alcohol are Not thirst quenchers. If you are drinking, still add in water between.

We cranked out a workout in the park this morning while there was still some cool air.

Well done to all those who conquered the circuit this morning.

If you were busy and are planning on a later workout, try this one indoors.

warm up 2- min

Circuit of 20 reps
•Squats holding weights or band at side (or no weights)
•Push up ( modify up with hand raise or rotation )
•Wall curls - sit/Lean against a wall and curl weights ( dont hit the wall)
•Overhead tricep extensions w/ weight or band
•Half jump jack with weight or band ( or nothing)
•Mountain climbers - count only on 1 foot

Repeat as able

cool down and stretch.

Reply or post how you did with your workout.

Have a super day.

Coach Greg

p.s. Are you enrolled for boot camp? All Newport locations start monday and a 6 punch pass is available.

p.s.s. Race for the cure tomorrow. You are still able to donate if you wish. Thank you if you already have.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tips to Fight the new season - "Fat" season

Its time to stay in shape to fight the "Fat" season.

But isn't the fat season around Thanksgiving and the end of the year with all the parties and holiday festivities?

Yes it does ramp up heavy then (pun intended).

However, and this is a big however...

When you add Halloween and all the candy and treats, It actually starts about NOW!

Every store I go into has a sale on mega bags of chocolates and other "treats"

And the stores are fighting for your business with big discounts.

I want you to make it through the rest of this year at or below your current weight, and or size and with a super level of fitness.

I know you can do it.

It will take some work
It will take some willpower
It will take some encouragement and support from others (and me)

Here are a couple ways to help yourself avoid the "Fat" season- and end the year fitter than ever.


1) Delay your candy purchase until a day or two before Halloween. If it’s in your house, it presents an unnecessary temptation. How often do you eat something just because its there?

2) Allow yourself just one piece of candy (small size) in the morning and then one at night. Skip any other desserts that you would normally eat after dinner and plan to eat well balanced.

3) Only buy enough candy so that you expect to run out before the evening is over. It’s crucial to weight loss success to not have “trigger” foods lying around – the temptation is often too great and most of will fall victim if its there.

4) Increase your exercise activity - Add a fat burning circuits or the Fit Body Band Program ( every day that you eat your two pieces of candy. This will help counteract the increase in calories that you are consuming.

5) If you indulge a bit too much forgive and move on - it’s important to forgive yourself and move on. (Enroll in the boot camps to get back on track) Dwelling on the past will not help your success.

6) Substitute your chocolate fix with something healthier. Fruit veggies or (my favorite) a peanut butter Craver ( will help to satisfy your cravings. And you can feel good about your choice.

What do you do to avoid fat season?

Plan to stay healthy and let me know how I can help you!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Race for the Cure - Join our team

This newsletter is personal and dear to me and most likely to you also.

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago, shortly after my grandmother passed away with skin cancer. (Not good genetics)

Breast cancer affects too many women, and even some men in this country. Most likely you know someone who has fought it, or more sadly lost a battle with it.

My goal with this newsletter is to give you a few tips to help you stay healthy and prevent you from having it.

Some of the factors that affect this disease and many others are these:
* Genetics
* Obesity
* Poor diet
* Lack of exercise or activity

Here is how you can help yourself and your loved ones stay healthy and strong.

1- Exercise – exercises daily. Everything from a brisk walk to a strenuous circuit will help. Keeping your muscles firm, your heart healthy, and your blood pumping keeps you on the positive side of health.

2- Limit your Fat consumption – Be aware of what foods you are putting in your body. A high fat diet, not just the greasy and fried foods, but the high fat beef or dairy will be difficult for your body to process. This can lead to extra pounds and extra pounds lead to possibility of other diseases.

3- Watch your weight – Obesity is still on the rise in this country. If you are overweight you increase your chances of disease tremendously. Not just cancer but diabetes and heart disease too. Check with your Doctor to if you are not sure where your weight should be.

4- Supplements – this one is huge with me. I believe strongly in a quality multi vitamin with whole food ingredients. Supplements are designed to help bridge the gap of what your food provides and what your body needs. This is not an area to skimp on price. Go for the quality. You deserve it. See my site for my recommendations.

You are too important to lose early. Please see your Dr. regularly to ensure your weight is in check, and your overall health is good.

And ladies, please follow your Dr Recommendation for mammograms and check-ups.

We love you and need you in our lives for a long time.

In honor of the survivors and those that have lost the battle with breast cancer, Tiff, Alexander and I have a team walking this year at the Newport Race for the cure.

We invite you to join us or donate if you are not able to make it there.

Please visit our team site to join or donate at

Or you can go to my personal site to donate also

Please be part of the solution.

Thank you so much

Dedicated to your health and wellness

Coach Greg

Friday, August 27, 2010

Coach Greg’s Top 3 recommendations to keep your Family Healthy

You see it in the news almost daily, how obesity is on the rise in adults and children.

I always wonder how this can be with the mass production of exercise videos, DVDs, gadgets etc in the market?

There are a number of contributing factors. Work schedules- less time for a home cooked meal. Economy and cheap fast food- times are hard for many people and restaurants.

Many people are figuring out how to feed large families on small budgets and the fast food companies are making it easier. The Media marketing monster- during any TV show you will see multiple commercials that encourage cheap fast food or take this pill to lose weight, we are bombarded with bad messages.

Lack of education – Again the media with the “fat free” and other campaigns lead you to believe some foods are healthy that just are not.

So how can we go back to something basic to keep our families healthy?

Here are some tips that will help create a healthy atmosphere and develop healthy habits in your household.

1 – Physical activity every day – This can be formalized with team sports or just being outside on the bike or playing hide and seek together. The idea is that everyone is active and having FUN.

I know kids go to school and have recess and play with their friends, but this does not always mean physical activity. And if you have been at work all day, then you need to get some fun exercise time in too and what better way than with your family.

If you are all playing or exercising together this helps encourage a healthy atmosphere at home.

2 – Diet Management – The word “diet” to us adults could mean extreme cutting of calories and or fasting. This is not advisable for children.

This could have an impact on growth and create a misperception of what “normal” eating should be.

When packing lunches, consider low sodium deli meat, string cheese, and fruit that your child enjoys rather than the quick lunchable that can pack over 1100gms of sodium and 20gms of fat. It doesn’t take long to make your kids lunch healthy.

Instead focus on a balanced diet which includes fruit and or veggies at each meal, whole grains, and lean meats. Try to eliminate unnecessary fats and high sugar snacks and meal items.

3 – Include your kids – include your kids whenever possible in meal planning. Ask them to contribute a healthy food item to include in lunches, dinners etc.

This may require some additional education by you the parent to ensure you are supporting a positive eating program and creating good eating habits. Again this can have a very healthy effect on the whole family.

As always, consult with your Dr. to ensure your kids are getting the right amount of exercise and following a balanced diet.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding, weight loss, fitness, or general wellness for your entire family. I am here to help you create a happy and healthy lifes

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Which one do you choose, diet or exercise?

I hear this topic discussed alot.

Which do you think is more important for weight loss, diet or exercise?

write a comment and we will discuss together.

Monday, August 2, 2010

How to Avoid the mass calorie consumption at the Fair

Have you been to the fair yet?

Wow!! Is no food sacred anymore?

How do you make Fat even Fatter? Eat at the fair of course.

I’m writing this newsletter to help you avoid falling victim to the massive calorie avalanche at the fair.

The fair food is similar to a train wreck. It’s a horrible thing, but you can’t help staring or being involved.

Last time Tiff, TC and I went to the fair, haven’t been yet this year, we were floored at the food choices. As we stood waiting for our grilled corn, we looked around at the other eating choices in the area – Gadzooks!! What I saw was shocking.

Here is the list of memorable items and their statistics (stats courtesy of

New comer this year: Chocolate covered Bacon –Not yet listed. However let’s break it down.

Bacon-fat salty meat – covered in chocolate- high sugar content. Holly smokes, hook me up to the cardiac machine.

*Fried Twinkies – 420 cal / 34g FAT / 45gcarb
*Fried snickers – 444 cal / 29g FAT / 42g Carb
*Fried zucchini (but it’s a vegetable-not after frying) – 620 cal / 40g FAT / 1100 sodium
*Fried onion rings (3 rings probably not the massive ones) – 309 cal / 13g FAT / 40g carb
*Fried Cupcakes – not yet rated on the Fat-o-meter, but can you imagine?
*Fried Pop tarts- not yet rated on the Fat-o-meter

Who thinks of this stuff? Keep in mind they aren’t just fried; they are battered first then fried, a double calorie whammy.

I ask how they can keep making these nasty foods and then I look around at the people eating them (check the statistic in the P.S.).

Even my son commented on how nasty the food was and how it made people fat. Let’s add the rest of the equation, it not only makes you FAT but also adds to your risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc. Talk about an accelerator.

I get that the fair may be a one day event. But some of these people eat this way all the time. And some people are changing their eating habits and dont need to be around the temptation of the calorie bomb.

Here is the important part - - How can you avoid overeating and getting caught up in damaging all the hard work you have been putting in to get yourself healthy and in shape?

1) Eat before you go to the fair. Choose something healthy that is reasonably high fiber/high protein. This will help you feel full longer so you can enjoy all of the other attractions the fair has to offer without wanting to eat when you walk in the door.

2) Drink plenty of water – water helps you feel full and will help keep the fried food craving away.

3) Choose something healthier to eat – turkey leg, grilled corn, BBQ without all the starchy side dishes. (fried Veggies don’t count – they are still fried. Check stat below)

4) Choose one treat and share it – sharing is a great way to avoid overeating. Have a couple bites and pass it on.

And then be sure you are enrolled in our next boot camp or personal training to keep your positive fitness momentum.

Your fellow boot campers are there for support too.

Write me back or post a comment and let me know what methods you used to avoid the food pitfalls of the fair. Have a healthy day

Coach Greg

A recent report on the fatness of America was just issued and we are up 1% from 25 to 26% OBESE. That’s not overweight, its OBESE.

P.S.S – did you order your super special price Fit Body Bundle to help you stay fit? Get it here now, the special price ends on Monday

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Did you get your FrEE Copy of the Gameplan worksheet

Did you get your free copy of our Game Plan worksheet?

If not, get it now.

No strings attached

***** We are less than 2 days away from our official launch of the LeFever Wellness Fit Body Bundle.

And the bet part for YOU…….. Huge savings!!

Yes you will receive in your bundle;

• Fit Body Band Workout program
• Fit Body Band of your choice
• Game Plan eBook
• Game Plan worksheets
All this Life altering health and fitness opportunity at a huge savings.

Learn more about how these programs are making a difference in people’s lives today.

Our goal is to be bombarded with success stories about you and your family

What will your success story look like?

• Weight loss?
• Improved sleeping habits?
• Regimented nutrition?
• Improved health of your entire family?
• ???

Stay focused and on track today.

Dedicated to your success

Coach Greg

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Best Time to Workout Ever

I really do get asked this all the time:

"When is the BEST time to workout?"

Well, in reality, the best time truly is whenever you are actually going to do it.

Look, some people love to get their training in first thing in the morning.
Some love to go during their lunch hour.

And, of course, many people just wait until after work.

Hey, with some many people completely out of shape and unhealthy I'm happy whatever time you go and workout, so long as you actually go! ;-)

But many people are confused as to what and when they are supposed to eat based on when they get their workout in.

And they are also baffled as to when they should take their supplements.

You're in luck if you're one of the confused!

My partners over at Prograde Nutrition have created this really simple chart that shows you examples of what you can eat and when, and it's all based on what time of day you workout.

Plus, it also shows good times to fit in your supplements for optimal results.

Even better is that they made a version for men and a version for women.
Check out the female version here:

Check out the male version here:


Dedicated to your health and wellness,

Coach Greg

PS - And don't forget, Prograde has their BRAND NEW Branched Chain Amino Acids at 17% off this week ONLY. Stock up on those now at:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

No Excuse Band Workout - Burn belly fat

Its hot and humid here in So. Cal. I Know, we complain every time its not 75 and sunny.

Anyway, its too hot to be training outside today.

So I thought I would put together another quick, efficient, total body workout for You to do INSIDE.

No time you say? Not enough room?

nay nay, I say.

You can crush this in a few minutes, light up your metabolism and get on with your day.

And you only need a about a 6 ft circle of space.

You are in control of the duration of your workout

-- 30 seconds each exercise
-- 30 reps
-- as many as you can
-- 1, 2, 3, 6 times through

Its up to you.

Try it out and let me know what you think.

Dedicated to your health and wellness

Coach Greg

p.s. What? no band or band program?

Get one here now

with the investment starting at only $17 for the ebook and band, you cant afford Not to have one.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Last day to Save - (highly Recommended)

I just got this reminder from my partners over at Prograde. Super important sufff. I've got their permission to share it with you.

On a personal note, Prograde products have my highest recommendation.

Coach Greg
Before you have an awesome weekend I want to share two quick updates with you.

1) Tonight at 11:59pm EST our ten percent off sale on all of our delicious Prograde powders ends.

So if you want to save 10% on Prograde Lean, Protein or Workout then be sure to stock up NOW.

The coupon code is right here:

2) We've been getting a lot of questions lately about where you can find all our awesome recipes that feature Prograde Protein and Prograde Lean.

They're all right here in one convenient place:

Yours in health,
Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS
Prograde Nutrition

PS - Remember, the ten percent savings on ALL Prograde Powders ends tonight at 11:59pm EST, so get your order in now before you forget.

PPS - Please forward this newsletter to anyone you think it will help.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Scandalous Reports About Protein Powders

As you know, I have partnered with Prograde Nutrition because I truly believe in their company.

So I'm not surprised at all to see them release this amazing report on what's really going on with Protein Powders these days.

Being that you're into fitness you've probably seen some of those crazy reports about protein powders being dangerous.

Well, I can't speak for all companies, but I can tell you:

1) Prograde has passed with flying colors.

2) Those reports in the media were entirely misleading.

3) Go to this page to find out the truth about the whole thing:

4) You'll also find a coupon code to save 10% on all Prograde products with protein.

But that deal only lasts through Friday, so get a move on ;-)

Yours in health,

Coach Greg

PS - Seriously, you

cannot miss this one. You need to be an educated consumer so you can make the best decision possible.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 4th Fitness tips

Happy 4th of July

It’s going to be a beautiful weekend and I know most of us will be celebrating with friends and family.

So let’s have a quick review of keeping our fitness progress in tact this weekend.

1) Get in a workout in the morning before a party or BBQ gathering to get your metabolism firing. – see below for a quick workout.

2) Don’t skip meals early in preparation of saving calories for later – this usually leads to overeating and storing ALL the calories you eat later.

3) Be aware of how much you are eating – grazing adds calories fast. One plate at meal time and be done.

4) Enjoy your meals – choose the foods you really want to eat, enjoy them, and skip the ones that you are eating just because they are there.

Be well – remember the men and women of our armed services.

P.S. Are you enrolled in boot camp or personal training for summer? Get enrolled now

Here is your quick workout for the weekend –get your family involved too

Make a quick intense circuit – 20 seconds high intensity and 10 seconds rest (only 10)
1-squats – drive from your heels
2-jumping jacks or cardio equivalent (weighted is extra credit)
3-active plank (shifting weight back or side, lifting arms, circles or swings etc)
4-skull crushers-

Or choose from my video list -
Turn up your metabolic Fire

Please honor our country and our troops. Whether you are in favor of the military or not, our Freedom does NOT come free.

Salute to our military personnel, one and all. thank you!

Coach greg

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Great news - LFW products are Live

Hey Great News

Phase 1 and 2 of the LeFever Wellness product pages are complete and functional for your convenience and to spread the love and results of our program to everyone you know.

We have a page for exclusive LeFever Wellness Products, Fit Body Band Program, Game Plan Work Book and daily pages etc.

Both pages are designed for your convenience and mostly to improve you overall health and wellness. That's why we are in it together... isn't it?

Let me know if you have questions or comments.

Please visit the pages.

And most importantly, please give me feedback on how these pages helped you or what would help you in the future.

Dedicated to your health and wellness

Coach Greg

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lose Weight Faster With More Sleep

My partners over at Prograde just put an awesome new article up on their site.

It's all about the correlation between sleep and quick weight loss.

I really think you're going to love this one. It's possible this may be a big problem for you or someone you know.

Yours in health,
Coach Greg

Race for the Cure - Join our team

Early Reg for the Newport Race for the Cure.

Join Team LeFever Wellness

I run for my mom and a wonderful client.

Who do you run for??

Coach greg

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

40% of Americans Dont do this....

I heard on the radio (did not verify) that approximately 40% of americans Do NOT eat breakfast.

Actually, I dont need a study to tell me that. So many conversations lately in regards to changing eating habits and balancing proteins etc, also require a break fast discussion because its not getting any attention.

You've heard it a million times...Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

But why? And if Im trying to lose fat and tone my body, isn't skipping and not takng in the extra calories a good thing? NO!

Here it is in a short non-science answer

1) "Breakfast" - you are breaking your fast from sleep. Your body needs food to signal that its time to start your metabolism and energy burn for the day. If you dont send the signal with a little something to eat, Your body stays in the slow burning mode.

Who wants to stay in a slow burn mode? Light me up for the day, lets go.

2) Coffee instead? no, coffee makes you feel awake and energetic from the caffein. this is not the same as providing nutrients to your brain and body for real energy. Eventually the coffee crashes and you are starving and sluggish, or even cranky. Eat a light breakfast instead or with your coffee.

3) Starving at lunch - eating breakfast helps control your appetite also. If you dont eat until lunch, chances are good that you feel famished and overeat or make poor choices of food to eat. Eating too much will just store the extra calories as fat. Yikes, not our goal.

Bottom line - have at least a peice of fruit, toast with peanut butter, couple eggs loaded with veggies, a Prograde shake, something to get you started.

Dont send me back emails that you dont have time. If you need more help with suggestions on how to incorporate breakfast into your busy, day I am more the happy to help.

Lets keep you rocking through the summer!

Dedicated to your health and wellness

p.s. Be sure you are enrolled in boot camp or personal training. Drop-ins are available at all boot camp locations

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Roasted Red Pepper Chicken and Avocado Salad

Looking for a cool salad to fill you up this summer?

Here's a delicious recipe from my partners over at Prograde Nutrition for you.

Roasted Red Pepper Chicken and Avocado Salad

1 medium ripe avocado, peeled, pitted and sliced
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 bag (10 oz.) torn romaine lettuce (about 10 cups)
2 cups shredded cooked chicken
1 medium tomato, cut into wedges
1 small cucumber, sliced
1/4 of a medium Vidalia or Walla Walla onion, chopped
½ cup Red Pepper
1/2 cup Light or Fat-free Italian Dressing
¼ cup Parmesan Cheese


Toss avocados with lemon juice in large salad bowl.
Add lettuce, chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers and onions; mix lightly.
Add dressing; toss to coat.
Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
Serve immediately.

Hey, if you like that one they've got 196 more! Seriously, Prograde has a really cool 197 Healthy and Delicious Fat Burning Recipes ebook for just $4.95!

Check it out here:

Let me know how you like the salad

Coach greg

Monday, June 14, 2010

Prograde's June Birthday Bash (save 15%)

Well, my partners over at Prograde Nutrition have done it again.

It started out as a simple little special.

But it turned into a MONSTER sale.

Yes, thanks to their CEO having his birthday in June they are putting their entire online store at 15% off this week!

All of the details, including the coupon code, are all right here:"

Stay healthy
Coach Greg

PS - In case you missed it on Friday, here is an awesome article from Prograde on The Truth About Essential Fatty Acids. It's really, really enlightening."

Remember, Prograde's birthday bash is only for a couple of days, so be sure to get your order in RIGHT NOW before you forget.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day Fitness Tips

Memorial Day Fitness tips
It’s going to be a beautiful weekend and I know most of us will be celebrating with friends and family.

So let’s have a quick review of keeping our fitness progress in tact this weekend.

1) Get in a workout in the morning before a party or BBQ gathering to get your metabolism firing. – see below for a quick workout.

2) Don’t skip meals early in preparation of saving calories for later – this usually leads to overeating and storing ALL the calories you eat later.

3) Be aware of how much you are eating – grazing adds calories fast. One plate at meal time and be done.

4) Enjoy your meals – choose the foods you really want to eat, enjoy them, and skip the ones that you are eating just because they are there.

Be well – remember the men and women of our armed services.

P.S. Are you enrolled in boot camp or personal training for summer? Get enrolled now

Here is your quick workout for the weekend –get your family involved too

Make a quick intense circuit – 20 seconds high intensity and 10 seconds rest (only 10)
1-squats – drive from your heels
2-jumping jacks or cardio equivalent (weighted is extra credit)
3-active plank (shifting weight back or side, lifting arms, circles or swings etc)
4-skull crushers-

Or choose from my video list -
Turn up your metabolic Fire

Happy Memorial Day

Friday, May 7, 2010

A Common Healthy Weight Loss Complaint

If it were easy everyone would be walking around with a lean, sexy body.

But hey, it's not in this world we live in today. Believe me, I understand all too well that there's temptation around every corner.

Everywhere you look there's fast food, junk food, chocolate, candy, ice cream, pizza...

And I know it tastes good. And I know when you get stressed your body craves it even more.

That's why you have to have a plan. You have to know what you're going to do to avoid those temptations. You have to plan your meals in advance.

Again, if this were easy everyone would be thin and in great shape. But they're not.

The first thing to do is come to grips with reality. To accept the fact that getting the body of your dreams is going to take effort.

The second is to understand that it's not going to be miserable. In fact, it's going to be a LOT of fun.

When you exercise you feel awesome. Sure, the weight comes off. But you also feel stronger. You're more alive. You can meet the demands of your day SO much easier.

How is that miserable?

And when you start eating healthier the same thing happens. It really, really is true: you are what you eat.

Now, take a second and really think about that.

What you are putting in your mouth is what your body is using to regenerate itself with all the time.

If you're eating crappy food...

Get the picture ;-)

But don't worry, I've got a really cool and inexpensive resource for you to help you out BIG TIME with your healthy eating.

My partners over at Prograde Nutrition have created this 197 Healthy and Delicious Fat Burning Recipes ebook.

It's only $4.95 and I highly recommend it to make healthy weight loss much easier on you.

Yours in health,

Coach Greg

PS - Again, if you've been looking for easy-to-make recipes that fit into your healthy weight loss plan then look no further.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Easy Top 3 to lose weight

Ok so you are confused at all the detailed info you see on the web, the tv, magazines et.

so let me help you clear things up and make the top 3 easy weight loss tips for you;

1 - Eat 2-3 hours before bedtime - if you eat at bedtime your body slows down its metabolism and calorie burning furnace and you can potentially store some extra calories.

2 - eat at wake time - breakfast is just that, break-fast. eating first thing tells your body that its time to start burning calories and get going for the day.

3- Eat 5-6 meals to keep your metabolism on fire. Small meals every 3 hours keeps your metabolism on fire. Skipping meals will send the signal to store your calories. not good for weight loss.

Start with these simple three to get you on fire for you summer vacation body.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Subject: Shocking Research On Increasing Your Metabolism

It's my guess this Monday you might very well be looking for ways to increase your metabolism.

It's my guess this Monday you may have "misbehaved" a little bit this past weekend.

Well, lucky for you my partners over at Prograde Nutrition have just released another brief special report on some shocking research about Metabolism.

There's some good news AND some bad news.

Find out for yourself how this story ends by reading it all right here:

Yours in health,
Coach Greg
Check this recipe out- homemade mix

Tiff made me an excellent turkey salad today.

I wanted to share with you.

1 can turkey breast

1/4 c chopped onion

1/4 c dried cranberries

3 hardboild eggs

1/8 c slivered almonds

a bit of mayonase-to taste

a bit of mustard-to taste

Mix it all up and enjoy. Tasty crunchy satisfying high protein goodness.

lay it on a bed of lettuce and you have a great lunch or dinner.

I ate mine a snack time straight from the bowl.

Let me know how you like the recipe.

Be well

Coach Greg

Saturday, April 10, 2010

High protein- easy scramble

Made this for breakfast today. Fast, easy, tasty.

2 whole eggs
1 egg white
3/4 c seasoned ground meat (leftovers)
1/4 c chopped onion
3/4 c chopped broccolli
1/4 c shredded cheese

scramble eggs and start cooking. pre-heat other ingredients except cheese.
mix in all other ingredients and finish cooking.

serve it up and enjoy.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tips to fight child obesity

Childhood obesity is on the rise at an alarming rate in the U.S. It will take efforts from parents and educators to slow this trend. Here are a few tips to help your family be their healthiest.

1. Be health conscious Parents – You are the best example! If you exercise and eat healthy your kids will likely follow your lead.

2. Plan family meals – With our busy schedules it’s easy to go for the quick fast food meal. Plan a few nights a week together at the table and prepare a quick easy healthy meal. There are tons of recipes on line or get the prograde recipe book for only $4.95-

3. Take time to exercise together – Step away from the X-Box or T.V. and plan an hour on the weekend or 30 minutes during the week to walk, ride bikes, or just get out and play with your kids. They will love it and you will all burn some calories together.

Together we can reverse the trend

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

1 pound = 4 pounds ?

I read this stat in Arthritis Today and wanted to share it with you.

According to research from Wake Forest U, one pound of weight lost equates to four pounds of reduced pressure exerted on each knee.

So many people I train with come to me with knee issues. Some from sports others from being overweight.

If your knees hurt and you have a few extra pounds you don’t want to carry anymore, imagine the extra benefit to simply losing weight and feeling better by 5 pounds, or more?

Here are a couple of the basics to drop a pound or two this week:

1- Add protein to your diet. – Most people have trouble losing because their starchy carbohydrate intake is too high. Carbs should be a complement to a meal, not the meal. Add some Eggs, Fish, Chicken, lean beef, tofu to every meal to create a good balance.

2- Eat 2 – 3 hours before bed. – Give your body time to digest your last meal. Everything including digestion slows at night. And a pizza before bed can make for some crazy dreams.

3- Keep portion sizes small – a serving of protein or starchy carbs is about the size of your palm (level, not piled high) Eat as much dark green veggies as you like. They add bulk and nutrients. .

4- Workout to burn more calories than you are eating. Be sure you are adding strength and cardio workouts 3-5 times per week. You can some of my quick workouts at my website for some ideas. Or call me for a free session to get you started.

Start today and let me know at the end of the week what you implemented and how good your results are.

Be strong and healthy

Coach Greg

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

myths to weight loss

I read these on yahoo and thought you might like them. Im in line with these.

Myth #1: Carbs are the Enemy

Experts suggest that carbohydrates play a star role in keep you energized and your organs functioning properly. The carb bad rap should rest squarely on the shoulders of "white carbs" like white bread, white rice, and sugar. These refined carbs, dietitians suggest, are more likely to pack on the pounds. Stick with whole grains like whole wheat pasta and brown rice for a healthier diet.

Myth #2: Never Eat After 8PM

The habit of under-eating all day only to overdo it at dinner time is likely where this myth came from. Eating excess calories at any hour of the day will lead to weight gain. Just remember: It's not when you eat, it's what you eat.

Myth #3: It's Not a Workout Unless You Sweat

A cardio workout that gets you huffing and puffing is vital for a healthy ticker, but that's only half the picture. Low-impact workouts, like weight-lifting and yoga, might not leave you drenched in sweat, but they're equally important to keeping your muscles strong and your body burning calories all day long. Work cardio and resistance training into your exercise regimen and you'll be seeing the full picture of health.

Myth #4: Weight-Lifting Bulks You Up

Most women don't have the necessary testosterone levels to transform them into the spitting image of Conan the Barbarian-era Arnold Schwarzenegger. But if you integrate weight-lifting into your workouts and find you're getting a little too cut, switch to lighter weights and more reps.

Myth #5: Muscle Weighs More than Fat

Here's the deal: a pound of muscle and a pound of fat weight exactly the same amount. A pound! The difference between muscle and fat is an issue of density and volume. Muscle is denser than fat and takes up less space in your body which can give you a leaner look overall.

Are you enrolled in boot camp or personal training?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What motivates You to be Fit?

Why do you want to be fit?

keeping up with your kids as they get older?

Participating in your families life rather than watching it from the sideline?

Being the best Mom, Dad, partner you can be?

You can achieve anything you choose.

Write a comment and Let me know what your motivation is.

You can achieve a very high level of fitness regardless of how much time you have in a day.

Small changes to your diet and quick 6-10 minute workouts will help get you there.

Start with the diet basics:

1-Eat 5-6 smaller meals/snacks per day

2-eat fresh, not processed foods

3- eat your last meal 2 hours before bed

4- This is a big one for most people, Add protein to every meal. Thats, fish chicken, cheese, almonds, tofu, or a protein shake.

Make these changes and see your results.

Keep me posted of your results.

Friday, March 26, 2010

1 Weird Friday Phenomenon (And Last Day of Sale)

Not too surprisingly, the fitness industry gets real busy on Mondays. Of course it's easy to understand why.

Look, I know fitness pros are often seen as fanatics. Heaven forbid we actually care about our bodies. But I'm not silly enough to think people are being perfect during their weekend.

And that, my friend, is why Mondays are busy and Fridays are slow. Party all weekend, pay for it on Monday.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Your body is going to be grateful to you when you choose health and fitness as a way of life.

It's not just something you care about Monday through Thursday.

So I tell ya what: How about I get off my soap box and you do something good for yourself right now? ;-)

My partners over at Prograde Nutrition have been celebrating all week for a very special reason. And by celebration I mean ALL of their awesome products are on sale at 15% off.

Now, two more things:
1) You absolutely, positively MUST watch the video on the page listed below because the reason for their celebration is SO darn cute.

2) The 15% savings ends TONIGHT, Friday, March 26th at 11:59pm EST. That's in just a few hours!

Start your weekend off right. Treat your body with the respect it deserves.

Friday, March 19, 2010

CHicken Pizza - simple and delicious

Eating healthy does NOT mean bland and boring food. They say the proof is in the pudding.

Well, I don't have a recipe for pudding today, but how about one for pizza?!

PS - This mouthwatering "Healthy Chicken Pizza" is just ONE of the 197 Healthy and Delicious Recipes my partners over at Prograde Nutrition have compiled.

Prograde does it again - 197 Phat burning recipes

This is EXACTLY why I love partnering with Prograde Nutrition. They want what's best for you. Unlike supplement companies that feed you blatant lies and exaggerations, these guys just tell you the truth.

They know that supplements have their place in health and fitness. But they also know - and preach - that eating whole foods is the center piece of your nutrition plan.

And to prove it they just came out with this awesome little ebook called "197 Healthy And Delicious Phat Burning Recipes" that will make your life a whole lot easier.

The best part? It's only $4.95 because they think - and so do I - that it's just too important for you not to get your hands on.

Look, I know most people think eating healthy means bland and boring meals. That is absolutely, positively FALSE.

Get a copy of Prograde's "197 Healthy And Delicious Phat Burning Recipes" and taste for yourself.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thank you Referral gift for you

Thank you so much for sharing your personal training and boot camp experiences and successes with your friends, family and neighbors.

My business depends on a great program, your results, and most importantly your recommendation to others.

Starting March 1st, for every person that you refer and enroll in boot camp or personal training, I am pleased to offer a thank you gift of either…

A one-on-one personal training session with me at your location of choice


Three boot camp classes at the location of your choice.
You can use the gift yourself or share the love and pass it to someone else to use.

Again thank you so much for choosing LeFever Wellness to be part of your life.

Coach Greg

P.S. If your referral is unsure about our training program, send them to try one session FREE.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

7 tips to dining without sabotoging your fitness program

Dine Out Without Sabotaging Your Diet

We all work hard during the week to eat well and be healthy but what happens on the weekend? We’ve all said it and probably done it…”I’ll just eat what I want tonight, it’s my cheat night”

I agree that a cheat day is important in a good eating plan, however, don’t let that day ruin all your hard earned progress.

Going out to eat is a nice break in the week and should be an event that you enjoy, rather than one you get home from and feel miserable either physically, psychologically, or both.

All it takes to enjoy a meal out is a bit of planning and some awareness. Here are some tips to help you stay on track with your eating plan and still enjoy your night out.

here are 7 tips to help you:
1. Don’t go out feeling over hungry or “starving”. This could lead to overeating and over drinking.

2. Call or go online and review the restaurant menu. Look for healthy dishes, substitutions, and preparation choices.

3.Eat appetizers at home before you go out. Chose fruits, vegetables or some other low carb/low fat alternative. There are tons of great recipes. This will help avoid the craving for the high calorie high fat restaurant appetizers.

4.If you have to wait for a table, don’t wait at the bar. Order a drink and move to another area to socialize. This will also help decrease the possibility of over drinking and eating the dreaded “bar food”.

5.Ask for lower calorie healthy substitutions. Ask for steamed veggies or dressing on the side and avoid high calorie cream dressings. Ask for different sauces that have good flavor and lower fat.

6.Select meat and other dishes that are prepared by barbecue, broiled, roasted, and fresh. These methods help reduce the fat content

7.Avoid all fried foods. The fried foods are either high fat and calorie or higher fat and calorie. Either way, you work too hard to allow a fried dish to ruin your progress and possibly clog your arteries.

Most restaurants now have healthy items or are willing to substitute and prepare a dish to your request. Next time you go out, review this list to keep the tips fresh. Remember, you only get one body.

please leave a comment on how you did this week

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

20 lb Fat loss in 3 weeks ??

I was doing some research on fat loss and came across this ad which many of you may have seen. Its for Wu-Yi Chinese Tea. The ad says Lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks! Amazing.

This sounds great! Like many other products out there, this is claiming to be the best one and they even have Oprah supporting their tea.

Here is the best part.... Every one of these fat loss products and testimonials has a small disclaimer which says....
Results will vary. ALL individuals used the product in combination with

There is the key ingredient! Diet and Exercise. Lets face it, there is no magic pill or potion. It takes dedication to a healthy lifestyle to be well.

Even though you all know my opinion, I'm going to tell you anyway,
This tea will have some health benefits, (as do other supplements) but the true method to be at your healthiest and to lose fat is a balanced Diet and Exercise.

You most likely will not lose 20 pounds of FAT in 3 weeks. In fact, say good-bye to some quality calorie burning muscle if you lose weight that fast. Call me first!

If you have any questions about health products or supplements that you are interested in or currently use, please let me know and I will be happy to assist you in making the most informed choice to achieve your goals.

Have a healthy week

Coach Greg

P.S. Support each other and your families in making good food choices.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Special Valentine's Day Reminder

Well, the weekend is just about here - and so is Valentine's Day. Hopefully, your significant other is going to get you some nice flowers or a card and NOT a big ole box of chocolates.

I don't think you'll have a problem overeating either of the first two!

Ok, so bad jokes aside, just because it's a holiday filled with love and romance doesn't mean you necessarily get to go crazy. Well, not with your nutrition plan, anyway ;-)

If you get some Valentine's day chocolates...or you go out to a nice dinner and that dessert cart rolls around with your favorites...just remember your GOALS. You do have goals, right?

Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend, but before I let you go I had to remind you that TODAY is the last day of Prograde Nutrition's 14% off Prograde Lean sale. Yes, Lean is their amazing chocolate meal replacement shake.

And I've partnered with Prograde for a reason: their products kick butt!

All the details, including the coupon code to use at checkout, are right here:

Happy Valentine's Day!

Coach Greg

P.S. Again, this special ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm EST, so get your orders in NOW before you forget

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's the Fattest day on the calendar

Happy Super Bowl weekend everyone

You may have heard……Super bowl has achieved the not so honorable top spot as Americas #1 most fat filled gluttonous day on the calendar.

Even more than thanksgiving you ask?


Thanksgiving, although highly caloric if not well planned, at least has the opportunity of some healthy food choices; roasted turkey, green beans, sweet potatoes, corn…

Not so much the Super Bowl which seems to have become a fiesta of all things fried and highly caloric; fried wings, French fries, potato skins, chips, dips, shrimp stuffed with cheese and wrapped with bacon (ouch a fat and cholesterol bomb) – you get the point.

Add to the fine FAT cuisine some (sometimes too much) alcohol and you have yourself a 5000+ calorie day. YIKES!!!

You work too hard to ruin your progress in one day

How can you enjoy a great party and keep on track with your eating and fitness plan and not feel left out?

1) Bake or grill instead of fry - Simply that. Think of all the Bake opportunities, the wings and potatoes, meats etc that you can cook in other ways than frying.

2) Eat before the party – Have something healthy before you go to the party. A turkey sandwich, chicken salad etc. Get to the party full instead of hungry. Show up hungry and you are much more likely to overeat all the chips and fatty snack foods.

3) Find the bright foods – look for the veggie and fruit tray. There has to be one at the party, stay close to it and go to it to help curb the munchies. Just to be sure, take one yourself so you know you will have a healthy alternative.

4) Workout before the game – Get your metabolism burning before you party and you will at least be burning more calories – Check out this quick but effective two exercise workout – only a few minutes to light your furnace.

Enjoy Your the game, your family, and friends...Drive safe

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How do I Get in a workout when I dont have time

I'm asked frequently, "how do I get in a workout when I only have a few minutes" and Is it even worth my time?"

Question 1 - the best time to get in a workout is ANYTIME you can fit it in your schedule. You don’t need an hour in the gym for effective fitness. It’s cumulative. Meaning, you get in 10 minutes a couple of times, or even one time, and you will keep your metabolism burning throughout your day.

Question 2 - Yes its worth your time. Not only do you kick up your metabolism, but another benefit to the quick workout is increased energy levels. Your blood is flowing, your oxygen intake increases, its like a cup of coffee without the caffeine.

You also get 10 or so minutes of "you" time in to clear your mind and regroup with your workout.

Try this home/office/park workout - anywhere you have a chair

Stay positive and on fire

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fat Burning Turkey Chili

Fat Burning Turkey Chili

This is a favorite recipe of my clients and in So Cal right now, this fat burning chili will warm your belly and nourish your body.

You can make this with beef or Turkey and beans for zinc and B vitamins, tomatoes and green peppers for vitamin C, and butternut squash for beta-carotene.

Her is the detail.

Beef (turkey) and Butternut Squash Chili
1 lb extra lean ground beef or Turkey breast
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 14 1/2 oz cans canned Mexican style stewed tomatoes
1 16 oz can chili beans
1/2 small butternut squash, peeled and cubed, about 1 1/2 cups
1 cup low sodium beef broth
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 1/2 tsp chili powder
1 cup frozen corn kernels
Cook beef, bell pepper, onion and garlic over medium high heat until the meat crumbles and is no longer pink. Drain well and return to pan. Stir in tomatoes, chili beans, squash, beef broth, cumin and chili powder and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to medium low and simmer, stirring occasionally, 15 minutes. Stir in corn and cook uncovered 15 minutes or until squash is tender and chili is thickened.

Nutritional Information
234 (22% from fat)
6g (sat 2.3g,mono 2.3g,poly 0.4g)

Bon Apetite!!!

Please comment on the blog or email me and tell me how you and your family like it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Why do I need Supplements

Hey team

Bottom line: Many people just aren't meeting the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals. And even people that eat plenty of fruits and veggies don't either, thanks to current farming practices and mass food production.

And here's a really interesting study from the Journal of the American Medical Association that states, "it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements."

(Check out the study on their website here: )

Additionally, a high-quality multi-vitamin supplement may help:

To prevent diseases
Get the RDA of vital nutrients

Combat nutrient deficiencies in foods

Promote consistent nutrient intake

Long story short: A great way to provide your body with the nutritional foundation you need each day is a Whole Foods based multi-vitamin.

I'm a proud Prograde Nutrition partner and they have a terrific product called VGF 25+ that is made from 25 veggies, greens and fruits.

The best part is you can try Prograde's VGF 25+ for FREE! (There's just a small S & H charge)

Hope this info helps you out. I'll be back with more quick tips to help you meet all your health and fitness goals.

Yours in health,

Coach Greg

PS - You can see all the natural ingredients they use to make VGF 25+ at

Full Body Band Workout Blast