Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Client Feature: Bonner Paddock

My good friend and client, Bonner Paddock, became the first person EVER, afflicted with cerebral palsy to compete and complete the Iron Man race in Kona. This is the Big Daddy of all Triathlons. This one challenges every part of your being, not just your ability to swim, ride, and run.

Bonner competes to show disabled children, through his actions, that they can do anything they put their heart and mind too. His personal quest for this race was to raise $1 million for his OM Foundation. His foundation raises funds to build early learning centers for kids with disabilities.

See his amazing journey and accomplishment, and if you are inspired you are welcome to participate with a donation at

As you go through life, there are a few people you will be blessed to know that can and will make an extraordinary impact and inspire you... Bonner is one of these people.



It's the season to talk about the much publicized turkey nap - caused by the evil Tryptophan!

Most interesting to me is that during the other 11 months of the year you don't hear anyone talk about needing a nap after eating a turkey sandwich.....hmmmm wonder why?

A small bit of science- tryptophan is an amino acid that can have effects on relaxation. Tryptophan helps the body produce the b- vitamin niacin, which then helps the body produce serotonin, a chemical that acts as a calming agent in the brain and plays a key role in sleep. - ok enough science.

FYI - Other foods that are considered sources of tryptophan are dairy products, beef, poultry, barley, brown rice, fish, soybeans, and peanuts. - Do you need a nap after reasonable consumption of these?

Here are 5 reasons you may feel sleepy after a big holiday meal:

Carbohydrate overload - A heavy carbohydrate meal will increase insulin levels, which lowers amino acid levels in blood, creating an increase in the relative level of tryptophan in the blood. Serotonin may then produce a sleepy feeling. This can happen at any meal. How do you feel after a big Italian meal with pasta? Sleepy right?

Fatty food - A meal rich in fats slows down the digestive system and requires lots of energy to digest. Blood flow is redirected to your stomach rather than the rest of your body, leaving you with less energy overall and a lot more calories to pack on your mid-section. And is a contributor to naps and fatness.

Alcohol - Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. A drink or two can be processed by your body typically without any ill effects. However start getting to the "few" and "many" drinks as part of the holiday celebration will add tons of calories and be a nap-factor. (Too many can add to the lampshade on your head factor)

Overeating -Your body requires a great deal of energy to digest a large meal (particularly high fat and high carbohydrates). When your stomach is full, blood is directed away from other organ systems, including your nervous system. And of course you know by will feel the need to snoooooze. Eat smaller portions of the items you really want. Don't waste the calories just because food is in front of you.

R&R - Often the most relaxing part of the festivities is likely to be the meal (suppose that depends on your relatives). No matter what you may have been doing throughout the day, Thanksgiving dinner provides an opportunity to sit back and relax, eat a big meal watch some football and,.... guess what? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

A couple of quick tips to keep your energy levels up:

1) Snack on the fruits and vegetables (minimal dip) to keep calorie count down.

2) Eat a balanced turkey dinner - balance turkey or protein, a good helping of veggies and smaller servings of potatoes, breads etc.

3) Reasonable serving sizes - Eat one plate of food and be finished. Try everything but keep the servings sizes of heavy carb and fat foods small. Taste, enjoy, savor, and move on.

4) Beverages - be aware of high calorie celebratory drinks - especially alcohol. Have a couple for the entire day.

5) Exercise - get a workout in before your festivities to increase your metabolism and burn calories - a great healthy start.


Most of all - enjoy your time with friends and family. We all have so much to be thankful for - stop and take a minute with your family to be thankful.

I am thankful for all of you!

Happy Thanksgiving.

Dedicated to your health and wellness

Coach Greg

Are you enrolled in boot camp or personal training to keep your metabolism on Fire? CALL TODAY!   

Friday, October 19, 2012

The FAT Season

The FAT Season
Greg Photo
 It's here...the "Fat" season.
Time to focus on staying fit.
But you ask.... isn't the fat season around Thanksgiving and the end of the year with all the parties and holiday festivities?
Yes it does ramp up heavy then (pun intended).
However, and this is a big however...
When you add Halloween and all the candy and treats, It actually starts about NOW!
Every store I go into has a sale on mega bags of chocolates and other "treats"
And the stores are fighting for your business with big discounts.
I want you to make it through the rest of this year at or below your current weight, and or size, and with an increased level of fitness and wellness.
I know you can do it.                          
It will take some work
It will take some willpower
It will take some encouragement and support from others (and me).
Here are a couple ways to help you avoid the "Fat" season- and end the year fitter than ever:
1) Delay your candy purchase until a day or two
before Halloween. If it's in your house, it presents an unnecessary temptation. How often do you eat something just because it's there?
2) Allow yourself just one piece of candy (small size) in the morning and then one at night. Skip any other desserts that you would normally eat after dinner and plan to eat well balanced.
3) Only buy enough candy so that you expect to run out before the evening is over. It's crucial to weight loss success to not have "trigger" foods lying around - the temptation is often too great and most of us will fall victim if its there. Right?
4) Increase your exercise activity - Add a fat burning circuits or the Fit Body Band Program every day that you eat your two pieces of candy. This will help counteract the increase in calories that you are consuming.
5) If you indulge a bit too much forgive and move on - it's important to forgive yourself and move on. (Enroll in the boot camps to get back on track) Dwelling on the past will not help your success today.
6) Substitute your chocolate fix with something healthier. Fruit, veggies, Greek yogurt with berries, or (my favorite) a peanut butter Craver ( will help to satisfy your cravings. And you can feel good about your choice.
What is Your best way to avoid the FAT season? Write back and let me know your tricks.
Plan to stay healthy and let me know how I can help you!
Dedicated to your health and wellness
Coach Greg
Are you enrolled in boot camp or personal training to keep your metabolism on Fire? CALL TODAY!    

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Surviving the OC Fair

Summer is officially here in Orange County, although truthfully, when is summer not here in Orange County? But during the months of July and August, it is officially summer. How do I know? Well, besides the calendar telling me so, I know it’s summer in Orange County because the Orange County Fair is here!!

 The OC Fair is great. You can walk around, listen to music, ride rides, play games, and shop. But for most people, the OC Fair is a place to eat! There are some really interesting (a nicer way to say fattening) food choices at the fair. Every year I am amazed at how they can make Fat even FATTER!! 

Here are just some of the food items available at the fair and their statistics (Stats courtesty of 
Chilli Dog – 450 calories/ 32g fat/ 32g carbs 
Fried Twinkie – 420 calories/34g fat/ 45g carbs
Cheese Fries – 645 calories/ 38g fat/ 62 carbs 
Fried Chicken (1 piece) – 360 calories/ 21g fat/ 11 carbs 

 Last but not least…. 
 Jumbo Twist Donut – 905 calories/ 49g fat/ 109g carbs 

 Who thinks of this stuff? 

 Keep in mind when cruising the fair that many of these items are not just fried; but they are battered first, THEN fried!! A double calorie whammy in one bite! 

 Ok, I don’t want to scare you away from stepping foot on the fairgrounds this year, because it’s a great place and a lot of fun. So, here is the important part---How can you avoid overeating and getting caught up in damaging all the hard work you have been putting in to your fitness health AND have enjoy the fair??? 

Here are your fair tips: 
1) Eat before you go to the fair. Choose something healthy that is reasonably high fiber/high protein. This will help you feel full longer so you can enjoy all of the other attractions the fair has to offer without wanting to eat when you walk in the door. 
 2) Drink plenty of water – water helps you feel full and will help keep the fried food craving away. 
 3) Choose something healthier to eat – turkey leg, grilled corn, BBQ without all the starchy side dishes. (fried Veggies don’t count – they are still fried. Check stat below) 
 4) Choose one treat and share it – sharing is a great way to avoid overeating. Have a couple bites and pass it on. 

 And then be sure you are enrolled in our next boot camp or personal training to keep your positive fitness momentum. Your fellow boot campers are there for support too. 

 Write me back or post a comment and let me know what methods you used to avoid the food pitfalls of the fair. 

Have a healthy day! 
 Coach Greg

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Holiday Weekend Fitness Survival Tips

It’s going to be a beautiful weekend and I know most of us will be celebrating with friends and family. So let’s have a quick review of keeping our fitness progress in tact this weekend. 1) Get in a workout in the morning before a party or BBQ gathering to get your metabolism firing. – see below for a quick workout. 2) Don’t skip meals early in preparation of saving calories for later – this usually leads to overeating and storing ALL the calories you eat later. 3) Be aware of how much you are eating – grazing adds calories fast. One plate at meal time and be done. 4) Enjoy your meals – choose the foods you really want to eat, enjoy them, and skip the ones that you are eating just because they are there. here is your quick workout for the weekend –get your family involved too Make a quick intense circuit – 20 seconds high intensity and 10 seconds rest (only 10) 1-squats – drive from your heels 2-jumping jacks or cardio equivalent (weighted is extra credit) 3-active plank (shifting weight back or side, lifting arms, circles or swings etc) 4-skull crushers-or tricep dips on chair 5-push ups- fancy or regular, just crank them out Or choose from my video list - Turn up your metabolic Fire Please honor our country and our troops. Whether you are in favor of the military or not, our Freedom does NOT come free. Salute to our military personnel, one and all. thank you! Peace Coach greg

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Cleaning Your fitness

It’s Spring Time

One of our favorite times of the year.

Time to clean house, clean closet, cleanse your body, and prepare for summer.

Does this include your workout? You bet it does!

This is a great time to evaluate your workout and fitness.

Are you still in the gym with the same old routine?

If so, you are missing out on an opportunity to make a change, turn up your calorie furnace and energize your attitude and results.

I recommend making changes to your workout monthly for the most effective results for fat loss, toning, and strength.

As you may know, changing your workout periodically keeps your body in tip top shape.

The same old workout will result in less calories burned, over use of the same muscles, and what we truly don’t like…boredom.

- Here are a few tips for “spring cleaning” your workout.

1) If you are doing the same cardio program, change.

Move to bike, treadmill, elliptical, jogging… something different. This will accelerate your calorie burn and work new muscles.

Try an interval workout of one minute at medium intensity (60%), and 30 seconds of high intensity (90% not able to have a conversation), repeat as able.

2) If you are on a weight training program, change to intervals.

Perform a set of squats, then upper body, then cardio, and repeat with minimal rest. This will increase your heart rate and improve your conditioning.

3) Review your diet.

By diet I mean the food you consume. Are you eating 4-5 smaller meals per day? Are you including protein at every meal? Are you including veggies at every meal? One small change can make a difference.

As always, call or email me for assistance to help you get dialed in for spring and summer.

Yours in good health
Coach Greg

Sunday, April 1, 2012

New Year Resolution Review

It’s about that time of year when most people are sliding or have already slid back on their new year resolutions.

Here is some information that will help you keep a resolution, or make a lasting change anytime you are ready.

Do you make a new year’s resolution every year? Is it the same every year?

Did you know that Fitness, weight loss, better health are at the top two or three for most people every year.

Why is that?

You know that your life is more fulfilling when you feel good about yourself, have more energy, are looking great, and all that equals feeling great.

Every year most people fall away from their resolution by February or March, and that’s a long time for most people.
So it’s not the New Year anymore but that doesn’t matter. Let’s regroup and get started today.

Ask yourself...How do I make this a life change rather than a flash in the pan, one day declaration?

Here is how to keep your fitness resolution…

1) Set attainable goals

Write them down and put an attainable timeframe on your goals. I.e., 5 pounds down by the end of the month, workout 3 times every week (put it on your calendar), eliminate sugar from my diet this week-log your diet, be prepared for a Half marathon in June etc.

Big pipe dream goals are a set up for failure so be reasonable and be sure you can get it done.

2) Keep yourself accountable

Most resolutions fail because they are a “one time” declaration on New Year’s Eve on a whim.

If you are serious, pick someone in your life that will help you stay accountable to your goal daily, monthly, and yearly.
Share the details and be sure they are ready to help you achieve. (You can always send it to me; I will keep you on track)

3) Commit your goal openly to yourself and your family

Share your goals for the year with your family and friends. The more you talk about it, the more you will feel a sense of commitment to your goals and the more people will ask you about how you are doing.

4) Stay strong

Lets not sugar coat this, changes to lifestyle are tough. It takes determination, focus and support from friends and family.

Focus on the people that support and encourage you. Keep in mind there will be the negative people but you can defeat them with your success.

It doesn’t matter what day the calendar says today. Now is always a good time to begin a lasting change.
I believe in you.

Please use me as your resource to help you achieve your goals for 2012.
Coach Greg

Monday, February 27, 2012

Fitness and Cancer- Help Yourself Fight The Disease

This blog post is courtesy of David Haas
Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance Guest Blogger

Fitness and Cancer- Help Yourself Fight The Disease

Health and wellness experts say that exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and reduces the risk of certain kinds of cancers. More than that, a recent bulletin from the National Cancer Institute points out that regular exercise has many benefits for newly diagnosed cancer patients, those going through treatments and survivors of the disease.

Many types of exercise offer benefits to those dealing with cancer. Gentle, stress-relieving practices such as yoga and qigong can help cancer sufferers deal with the impact of a diagnosis and treatment, while more rigorous types of exercise can help survivors get back in shape and remain healthy after completing treatments.

The proven benefits of regular exercise have special relevance to cancer patients. Cancer patients who work out feel more empowered and confident in their body’s ability to fight the disease. A regular fitness routine improves heart and cardiovascular functioning, oxygenates the body and promotes flexibility and strength. Additional benefits of exercise include relaxation and healthful sleep.

For those just diagnosed with cancer, exercise and healthy eating can relieve the stress associated with dealing with a diagnosis and treatment, support the body’s immune response, and improve circulation, and muscle tone. Exercise can also help a cancer sufferer’s self-esteem and restore a positive body image. Some cancers alter the body’s composition, causing either wasting and loss of muscle, or weight gain, so exercise also helps to maintain a healthy weight.

Exercise can improve the functioning of organs affected by cancer. For example, those suffering from mesothelioma, a form of lung cancer usually caused by asbestos exposure, may breathe more easily thanks to a gentle exercise program. Also, for those undergoing treatments, exercise can also increase flexibility in muscles and joints made stiff and painful from chemotherapy, and help relieve discomfort from side effects, such as constipation, nausea and loss of appetite.

However, exercising during cancer treatments and even in the years following successful treatment involves cautions. Some cancer treatments, such as androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer, cause an increased risk of bone fracture. Breast cancer surgery can have an impact on shoulder muscles. It’s important to work with a fitness professional to create an exercise program that accommodates these special considerations.

Although cancer patients must heed their physician’s recommendation about exercising during treatment, the National Cancer Institute also notes that exercise at comfortable levels can help at even later stages of the disease. Exercise can even be done in bed or in a wheelchair, and the workout can be adjusted to fit an individual’s needs at different stages of illness. For individuals dealing with cancer, regular exercise offers support every step of the way.

As always, consult with your Dr. before beginning any fitness or exercise program.

Article contributed by David Haas
Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance Guest Blogger

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Repeat Winner of Fattest day of the Year

Happy Super Bowl weekend everyone

You may have heard……Super bowl has achieved the not so honorable top spot as Americas #1 most fat filled gluttonous day on the calendar.

Even more than thanksgiving you ask?


Thanksgiving, although highly caloric if not well planned, at least has the opportunity of some healthy food choices; roasted turkey, green beans, sweet potatoes, corn…

Not so much the Super Bowl which seems to have become a fiesta of all things fried and highly caloric; fried wings, French fries, potato skins, chips, dips, shrimp stuffed with cheese and wrapped with bacon (ouch a fat and cholesterol bomb) – you get the point.

Add to the fine FAT cuisine some (sometimes too much) alcohol and you have yourself a 5000+ calorie day. YIKES!!!

You work too hard to ruin your progress in one day

How can you enjoy a great party and keep on track with your eating and fitness plan and not feel left out?

Here are a few tips:

1) Bake or grill instead of fry - Simply that. Think of all the Bake opportunities, the wings and potatoes, meats etc that you can cook in other ways than frying.

2) Eat before the party – Have something healthy before you go to the party. A turkey sandwich, chicken salad etc. Get to the party full instead of hungry. Show up hungry and you are much more likely to overeat all the chips and fatty snack foods, even before a half time main dish.

3) Find the bright foods – look for the veggie and fruit tray. There has to be one at the party, stay close to it and go to it to help curb the munchies. Just to be sure, take one yourself so you know you will have a healthy alternative.

4) Workout before the game – Get your metabolism burning before you party and you will at least be burning more calories – Check out this quick but effective two exercise workout – only a few minutes to light your furnace.

Enjoy your day, your family and friends. Drive safe.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Super easy and delicious Turkey Chili

Attached (just in time for football party season) is an excellent Turkey chili recipe.

This chili is loaded with turkey (or beef) and beans for zinc and B vitamins, tomatoes and green peppers for vitamin C, and butternut squash for beta-carotene.

Turkey / beef and Butternut Squash Chili

1 lb extra lean ground beef or Turkey breast
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 14 1/2 oz cans canned Mexican style stewed tomatoes
1 16 oz can chili beans
1/2 small butternut squash, peeled and cubed, about 1 1/2 cups
1 cup low sodium beef broth
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 1/2 tsp chili powder
1 cup frozen corn kernels

Cook beef, bell pepper, onion and garlic over medium high heat until the meat crumbles and is no longer pink. Drain well and return to pan.

Stir in tomatoes, chili beans, squash, beef broth, cumin and chili powder and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to medium low and simmer, stirring occasionally, 15 minutes.

Stir in corn and cook uncovered 15 minutes or until squash is tender and chili is thickened.

Nutritional Information

Calories: 234 (22% from fat)
Fat: 6g (sat 2.3g,mono 2.3g,poly 0.4g)
Protein: 17g
Carbohydrate: 30g
Fiber: 6.8g
Cholesterol: 21mg
Iron: 2.9mg
Sodium: 642mg
Calcium: 65mg

Bon Apetite!!!

Boot Camper review:
I have made this chili several times and it’s great. I don’t cook too well but I can manage this one.

If you don’t want to play around with peeling and cutting up the squash, Trader Joe’s has butternut squash already cut up in a bag ready to cook and it really gives the chili a great flavor.

You can also use cut up frozen onions and bell peppers to save more time. For any of you on Weight Watchers, it is only three points and you get 8 one cup servings.

I freeze it in serving sizes and just microwave for lunch or dinner. Add some low fat grated cheese and some whole wheat crackers and your tummy will be happy without guilt
-C.Delgado, Anaheim

Full Body Band Workout Blast