I read this stat in Arthritis Today and wanted to share it with you.
According to research from Wake Forest U, one pound of weight lost equates to four pounds of reduced pressure exerted on each knee.
So many people I train with come to me with knee issues. Some from sports others from being overweight.
If your knees hurt and you have a few extra pounds you don’t want to carry anymore, imagine the extra benefit to simply losing weight and feeling better by 5 pounds, or more?
Here are a couple of the basics to drop a pound or two this week:
1- Add protein to your diet. – Most people have trouble losing because their starchy carbohydrate intake is too high. Carbs should be a complement to a meal, not the meal. Add some Eggs, Fish, Chicken, lean beef, tofu to every meal to create a good balance.
2- Eat 2 – 3 hours before bed. – Give your body time to digest your last meal. Everything including digestion slows at night. And a pizza before bed can make for some crazy dreams.
3- Keep portion sizes small – a serving of protein or starchy carbs is about the size of your palm (level, not piled high) Eat as much dark green veggies as you like. They add bulk and nutrients. .
4- Workout to burn more calories than you are eating. Be sure you are adding strength and cardio workouts 3-5 times per week. You can some of my quick workouts at my website for some ideas. Or call me for a free session to get you started.
Start today and let me know at the end of the week what you implemented and how good your results are.
Be strong and healthy
Coach Greg
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