Saturday, April 11, 2009

How to keep your holiday Party calories and Fitness in check

Ok group - as with any holiday or big event, we typically celebrate with a huge, nap inducing, belt unbuckling meal. That doesn't keep you on track with your fitness and weight loss goals.

Here is a list of 10 Tips to help you stay dialed in and on track with your program. There is a lot here so pick a couple that are most relevant for you and put them to practice.

1) Workout before the big meal – The number one way to stay on track is to get your metabolism burning before you party. Get in an intense full body workout – use a strength / cardio circuit to keep the after workout calorie burner on high.

2) Eat before the Big Feast – Have something healthy before you go to the Family Dinner party or restaurant. A ½ turkey sandwich, chicken salad etc. Arrive at your event content instead of hungry. Show up hungry and you are much more likely to overeat all the chips and fatty snack foods and then the big meal. This could result in a 2000-3000 calorie meal.

3) Find the bright foods – look for the fruits and veggies. There has to be an appetizer veggie tray or some veggies planned for the meal. Try to lightly steam to retain the crispness and nutrients for all recipes. To ensure there are fresh veggie dishes or you can offer to bring one yourself. No doubt you are not the only one looking for healthy.

4) Bake or grill instead of fry - Simply that. Think of all the Bake or grill opportunities that you can utilize instead of frying.

5) Drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes before you sit down to eat. Your stomach will have something in it and your brain thinks your belly was fed a small amount, which helps to avoid overeating.

6) Be aware of how much you are eating. Avoid continuous snacking or grazing while you are socializing. Get a small plate and eat only what’s on it. Don’t keep going back for more. You can rack up calories fast with some drinking and eating even before you have the meal.

7) Manage your Portion sizes – keep your starchy carbs as meal complements, not main dishes. This helps reduce overall calories and keeps blood sugar lower.

8) Fill your plate with veggies – Load up on steamed veggies or salad instead of potatoes, rice or breads. This keeps your calories in check and your nutrient value higher.

9) Start with protein – start your meal with a few bites of protein and then get into the carbs. Proteins are slower digesting and will mix to help keep your blood sugar levels from rising quickly as with high carbs.

10) Be done after one plate – a sure way to sabotage your diet is to go back for seconds. One plate is plenty. Let your meal settle while you socialize. It takes a bit of time for your brain to register that your belly is full, so give it a chance and don’t overeat. A second plate could launch you into a 2,000+ calorie meal. Yikes.

Have a happy and healthy Easter weekend

Coach Greg

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Enhancing your daily walk

I’m frequently asked “how can I make my walk more efficient and calorie burning?”
Walking is great, it gets you outside in the fresh air, can be social when you bring a friend, or relaxing to clear your mind…very nice.

Nice for those reasons, but not the highest calorie burning exercise.

My top two suggestions for increase your calorie burn on a walk:

1) Increase your movements – the more you move the more calories you burn. Swing your arms, take a full stride, and stay loose.

2) Add some resistance moves – adding resistance moves is the best way to increase muscle usage, increase your heart rate and burn more calories.
a. Add in squats when you are waiting for stop lights
b. lunge across the street (watch for traffic-sprint if necessary)
c. add some tricep dips at a small seating wall or park bench
d. Perform 20 jumping jacks every ¼ mile.

You get the idea. Be creative and enjoy yourself. And of course always use good form.
Be well

Full Body Band Workout Blast